Communications/Social Media
We're responsible for keeping our members abreast of the happenings in our legal community and beyond—enabling them to stay connected, network, volunteer and enhance their personal and professional growth. Stay up to date with our weekly announcements, follow us on social media, and share our events. Want to join our Communications Committee? Email us and get involved so we can continue to evolve! Do you have a job opportunity to share? Let us know
Community Service
Assistant Corporation Counsel, NY City Law Department./p>
We aim to partner with stakeholders so that together we may effect change. The Community Service Committee is responsible for bridging the gap between the public and ABWA members through programs designed to give back to our community. The Community Service Committee has organized many programs, such as a Holiday Clothing Drive and Mixer, as well as a Legal Workshop, with Bottomless Closet, Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR) walk and fundraiser, food preparation with the Bowery Mission, a Suits and Separates Clothing Drive to benefit Dress for Success, and a Career Day for middle school students at P.S. 183. ABWA Community Service Committee members are excited to continue existing relationships while developing new ones in our community as we strive to fulfill ABWA’s mission of “Lifting as we Rise.”
Legislative, Civil Rights, and Judicial
Associate, Littler Mendelson, NY
Legislative Committee is responsible for monitoring legislation and public policy of interest that affects the African American community, women, and the legal profession. The Committee is responsible for advocacy before local and state governmental bodies on issues of interest to our membership. Special emphasis is given to the need to promote greater diversity in the judiciary. The Committee is also responsible for developing ties to local legislators and political leaders and keeping them informed of ABWA’s activities and viewpoints.
Member Engagement
Attorney, Corporation Counsel
Assistant District Attorney, Kings County District Attorney’s Office
The ABWA membership committee oversees all aspects of membership including but not limited to outreach, retention, expansion, and support. Our goal is to ensure all ABWA members have the resources necessary to tap into ABWA's unique network of accomplished individuals.
RWW Luncheon
Chief of Staff
Founding Partner, De Dios Law LLC